Our mission

Our mission

CRlIGEN is a non-profit association, independent of biotech and chemical companies, which stimulates research to better understand the effects of pollutants on health and the environment, and their detoxification. Our members carry out scientific studies, expert appraisals and counter-appraisals to better understand and analyze the health risks of biotechnologies, in particular GMOs and their associated pesticides, as well as numerous environmental pollutants, notably endocrine disruptors, in order to alert public authorities and encourage the development of prevention to protect public health. In this context, CRlIGEN's multi-disciplinary structure - molecular biology, microbiology, scientific ecology, population genetics, ecotoxicology, medicine, pediatric endocrinology, agriculture, sociology and law - gives it a fine ecosystemic vision of the links between health and the environment.

Our concern is the worrying development of environmental pathologies. What motivates us is the desire to combat this trend by bringing certain scientific discoveries to light, but also by proposing alternatives, both industrial and regulatory, to guarantee better protection of public health and promote better "chemical hygiene". "chemical hygiene among the general public.

In over 20 years since its creation, CRlIGEN scientists have produced more than 60 peer-reviewed international scientific publications. CRlIGEN keeps the public informed through its publications, website and information/training conferences.

CRlIGEN is an association and public player with national and international influence, thanks to the impact of its research and its participation in public debates on health and environmental issues, both at European level (dialogue with EFSA, conference at the European Parliament) and at French level (dialogue with Anses, questioning and meetings with Ministries, etc.).

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